Written by Nick Jones
Directed by Moritz von Stuelpnagel
Featuring Steven Boyer, Geneva Carr, Nathaniel Kent, Andy Nogasky, Shawn Randall, Amy Staats and Colleen Werthmann
February 28 - March 17, 2013
Trevor is a new play about fame, success, and the lies we tell ourselves in order to keep people from taking away our erratic, 200-pound chimpanzee.
set design Andrew Boyce - costume design Elizabeth Barrett Groth - lighting design Mike Inwood - sound design Chris Barlow - props Sarah Dowling - stage management Kelly Burns - fight direction Robert Westley - technical direction Sean Gorski - crew master Brendan Spieth - press Emily Owens
produced by Lesser Americans Daniel Abeles, Nate Miller and Laura Ramadei
Steven Boyer as Trevor. Photo Credit: Hunter Canning.

“What makes this taut play at the Theater for the New City so impressive is not that it makes us understand and even like a dangerous ape, but that it does so while imagining him as an obnoxious jerk.”
“In Trevor, the laughs (and there are many) have an edge.”
Steven Boyer and Geneva Carr in Trevor. Photo Credit: Hunter Canning

"Four Stars!"
"Steven Boyer offers another sublime tragicomic performance in Nick Jones’ sweet, clever and weirdly touching Trevor.”
“Funny though it often is, Trevor is good for much more than a laugh.”
Steven Boyer and Colleen Werthmann in Trevor. Photo Credit: Hunter Canning.

“The brilliant Boyer gives Trevor a mix of endearing goofiness and pent-up frustration… under Moritz von Stuelpnagel’s restrained direction, he moves across the stage with liquid grace, flashing gummy grins both funny and frightening.”
“All that plus a chimp playing a toy guitar, then fighting a human for the remote control? Few shows cover as many bases.”
- 3 1/2 out of 4 Star Review
Geneva Carr (in cardboard cutout), Steven Boyer, and Colleen Werthmann in Trevor. Photo Credit: Hunter Canning

“Clever, subversive comedy.”
“As with all productions from Lesser America, still a very young company, Trevor gets a layered production, buoyed by complex scenarios and a completely committed cast.”
Steven Boyer in Trevor. Photo Credit: Hunter Canning

“Working from the clever, insightful script by Nick Jones, Trevor is both profoundly existential and woefully hilarious.”
Colleen Werthmann, Steven Boyer, and Amy Staats in Trevor. Photo Credit: Hunter Canning.

"Trevor’s tragedy stems from his inability to admit he will never be a real little boy, that he lost the game before he even started to play. Based on the true life and death story of Travis, the chimp in Stamford Connecticut who, in 2009, mauled Charla Nash, Trevor puts the impossibly wide gap between those who can afford to hope and everyone else in sharp relief." - Culturequake
Nathaniel Kent and Steven Boyer in Trevor. Photo Credit: Hunter Canning.